Events News

Woodwoses and wildmen in Butley 24 April, big cats in Dunwich 20 June

I have a talk on The Woodwoses and Wildmen of Suffolk for Orford Museum on Wednesday 24 April 2024, it’s at Butley Priory (nearest station Wickham Market), starting at 6.15pm, finishing at 7.15.

Book tickets in advance – £18 for non-members of Orford Museum via the Museum’s online booking system.

Signed copies of Mystery Animals of Suffolk will be on sale at a discount.

More details are here.

This talk replaces the  talk on the big cats of Suffolk previously advertised at the same venue on the same date.

There is a completely different talk on the big cats of Suffolk on Saturday 20 June 2024 at 6pm at Dunwich Museum, St James’s Street, Dunwich, Suffolk (nearest station Darsham, a 45-minute bike ride).

Admission is by donation. There’s no need to book, but  let the Museum know if you plan to come via so they know how many people are coming. Signed copies of Mystery Animals of Suffolk will be on sale at a discount at this talk too. Details will be on the Dunwich Museum website shortly.


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